Raspberry Pi: Scheduling Regular Automatic Reboots

Sometimes, you may need to make your Raspberry Pi automatically reboot regularly, for example, once a day at midnight. To achieve this, we'll use a Unix program called "Cron" that allows for the automatic execution of commands.

Adding a Cron Task:

First, you need to be connected to your Raspberry Pi via SSH. If you're not already connected, please do so.

  • Enter the following command: "sudo nano /etc/crontab -e".

This command allows you to edit the file containing the list of tasks.

The lines are structured as follows:

minute hour day month day-of-week user command

So, if you want to perform a Raspberry Pi reboot every day at 1:15 AM, you should add the following line:

15 1 * * * root reboot

You'll notice that we use "*" for fields like "day" to indicate that the task should be executed every day.

Finally, press CTRL + X to exit, then save by pressing the "O" or "Y" key (depending on your system's language).

Catégories : Linux, Raspberry Pi

Par Guillaume le 14/04/2014 à 01:34

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