How to Access the Web Interface of Your Starlink from a Computer

If you own Starlink equipment, including a router and a satellite dish, you probably know that managing them requires the Starlink app on your smartphone. While this is convenient and functional, there may be times when you want to access the settings from a computer. Although not officially promoted by Starlink, it is still accessible, although with limited functionality.

Accessing the Starlink Web Interface from a Computer

To access your Starlink's interface from a computer, you need to be connected to your equipment's network and then go to the following address:

You will see this interface:

Once on the interface, you can check the status of your connection, view devices connected to your router, connection statistics, and some settings. However, it's important to note that some settings are only accessible through the smartphone app.

The statistics page allows you to access various interesting graphs, including connection availability, latency rates, and data usage. You can also check if the satellite dish has been obstructed.

While the web interface is limited compared to the smartphone app, it can be useful for quick checks and accessing certain information from your computer.

Catégories : Général

Par Guillaume le 26/07/2023 à 10:33

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